The Best Dog Training Supplies & Must-Know Training Tips! 🐶✨

Training your dog is part patience, part bribery, and part trying not to lose your mind while they pretend they have no idea what “sit” means. 🤦‍♀️ But with the right training tools, even the most stubborn pups can become well-behaved geniuses (or at least stop stealing your socks every five minutes).

After testing way too many products, I’ve rounded up the best Amazon dog training supplies to make life easier, along with proven training tips that actually work. Let’s get into it! 🐾✨

🦴 1. High-Value Training Treats (Because Bribery Works) 🍖

Let’s be honest—dogs will do anything for food. Using high-value treats (aka not boring kibble) keeps them motivated, focused, and ready to listen. Look for soft, bite-sized treats that won’t take forever to chew.

to be honest you don’t need to buy dog treats specifically…. oakley’s favorite high value treats while training are vegetables. he loves tomatoes, carrots, and squash. i started giving him these when he was a puppy, so older dogs may not enjoy these options. however, when oakley gets dog treats he enjoys dunkin donut dog treats. PLus, they are relatively cheap for 2 bags.

Best Practice: Treats should be tiny and frequent—you’re rewarding effort, not giving them a full-course meal for sitting.

🛍️ dunkin donut dog treats

📢 2. The #1 Dog Training Clicker (For Lightning-Fast Learning) ✨

A clicker can help dogs understand exactly when they did something right, making training faster and more effective. Click = reward = smart dog.

Best Practice: Click the moment they do the right behavior, then immediately give a treat. Timing is everything!

over 30,000 ratings on amazon

🛍️ dog training clicker

🎾 3. The Indestructible Training Tug Toy (Perfect for Focus & Engagement) 🏆

For dogs that love tug-of-war, this reinforces commands while keeping training fun. Use it to teach “drop it”, “take it”, and impulse control while burning off that endless energy.

Best Practice: Only let them have the toy when playing with you—it should be a special reward!

🛍️ also linked here

🐕 4. The Best Long-Line Leash (For Off-Leash Training Without the Risk) 🔗

Dreaming of having a dog that listens off-leash? Start with a long-line leash—this gives them freedom to roam while still being under control. Perfect for recall training and building trust.

oakley and i use the long leash when we are at the beach mostly because most beaches don’t allow dogs off-leash. also, he would swim to the other side of the ocean if i gave him the chance. oakley is mostly off leash now, except in a few scenarios (like the beach) where i want him to feel like he has his freedom, but with caution.

Best Practice: Practice recall in a low-distraction environment first before taking it to the dog park.

🛍️ also linked here

🚀 5. The No-Pull gentle-leader (Save Your Arms from the Chaos) 🦮

If your dog drags you down the street like a sled dog, you need a gentle leader. It gently redirects their movement without choking them, making walks way more enjoyable. golden retrievers are notorious for pulling leashes. high-energy dogs are more prone to pulling the leash during walks and runs.

Best Practice: Reward them for walking beside you, not just for stopping pulling.

🛍️ no pull gentle-leader

🛑 6. The “Leave It” Training Must-Have (For Stopping Bad Habits) 🐾

Some dogs act like vacuum cleaners—sniffing out food, socks, or mystery street snacks like pros. Teaching “leave it” is essential, and this training pouch + treat combo makes it way easier.

i swear by having a treat pouch on you at all times in the early stages of training. i had one of these on for almost 2 years with oakley and at times i still wear it in places where i need to ensure he is well behaved.

don’t underestimate how important it is that your dog has a command for leaving something on the ground and walking away. for example: many dogs eat cigarettes, sharp items or dead animals because their owner doesn’t have a command that would avoid a vet trip.

Best Practice: Reward immediately when they resist temptation—it builds impulse control!

🛍️ treat pouch with doggy bag dispenser

🛏️ 7. The “Place” Command Training Mat (For a Chill Dog Anywhere) 🏡

Teaching your dog “place” (aka, go to your bed and relax) is life-changing. i don’t believe there is one mat that will do the job better than others honestly. just choose one that you will always use for training and only training. the point is to learn the command, not to get attached to a specific mat.

i will link one that i think is cute, but not essential.

Best Practice: Always reward calm behavior while they’re on the mat, not just when they first go there.

🛍️ dog training mat

🎯 8. The Snuffle Mat (For Mental Stimulation & Nose Work!) 🧠

A tired dog is a good dog, and sniffing is one of the best ways to burn energy without running miles. This snuffle mat hides treats inside, making dogs use their nose and brain to work for their food.

i swear by these mats. i think all dog owners should be teaching their dog scent work. your dog will always have something to do while you’re working or handling chorse. get one.

Best Practice: Start easy, then gradually hide treats deeper to increase difficulty.

🛍️ the perfect snuffle mat

📌 Final Thoughts: Train Smarter, Not Harder! 🐶🎉

Training doesn’t have to be frustrating—with the right tools, it can actually be fun, rewarding, and way easier. Whether you’re working on basic commands, leash manners, or impulse control, these Amazon finds will help you train smarter, not harder.

💡 Which training tool has been a game-changer for your dog? 🐾✨


Happy training, and may your pup actually listen to “come” when it matters most. 😂🐕


The 10 Best Dog Products That TikTok Made Me Buy – Are They Worth It? 🐶💸